Burping Gal: Comically Addressing Modern Realities

art, news

~Burping Gal generative billboard visualization

We've curated a set of posters with the objective of heightening awareness around the most pressing issues afflicting modern-day society, spanning from the intricacies of modern life issues that conditioned humans to always seek and want, to the escalating mental-health implications stemming from an ever-increasing dependence on technology.

Our goal with this series is to encourage dialogue and action around these complex and interconnected issues. By presenting them in a visually striking and thought provoking way, we hope to inspire viewers to engage with these topics and to consider how we can work together to address them.

Each poster in our series is carefully designed to convey a specific issue in a concise but poignant manner. We've spent countless hours researching and analyzing the data on these topics, in order to present them in a way that is not only visually appealing, but also factually accurate.

This poster, for example, explores the economic ramifications of quantitative easing, a topic that is often shrouded in jargon and technical language. By breaking down the subject in a clear and accessible way, we hope to raise awareness about the potential risks and benefits of this popular monetary policy.

A different artwork tackles the timely issue of mental health in the digital age. With the rise of social media and screen time, there has been increasing concern about the impact of technology on our well-being. But our message goes beyond simply pointing out the problem; it offers concrete suggestions for how individuals and society at large can promote healthier tech habits.

At the end of the day, our hope is that these posters will serve as a conversation starter for individuals, organizations and policymakers alike. We believe that by bringing these issues to the forefront, we can begin to collectively tackle them and create a more just and sustainable world for generations to come.

Ultimately, our thought is that these posters will serve as a catalyst for positive change, prompting us to think more deeply about the world we live in and the ways in which we can make it a better place for everyone.


According to a report by Nationwide, the UK housing market grew by 33% over the last decade (2010-2019). The report showed that the average house price increased from £167,097 in 2010 to £215,898 in 2019. This represents a significant increase in house prices, driven by factors such as a shortage of supply, the practice of quantitative easing monetary policy, low interest rates and strong demand from buyers. While this growth has been a boon to property owners and investors, it has also contributed to concerns over affordability for first-time buyers and the widening gap between property owners and renters.

Banks often engage in the practice of printing a lot of money which is then injected into the property market. The end result of this practice is that house prices often skyrocket, leaving first-time buyers out of the market and creating an inequality in the system. This inflationary practice ultimately creates a housing bubble that can be quite detrimental to the overall economy.

Essentially, the use of printed money in the property market usually makes it harder for new home buyers to enter the market at reasonable prices. When home prices rise too fast, homeowners may begin to borrow more money than they can actually afford, leading to a bubble in the housing market. While this may be good news for existing homeowners who are looking to sell, it creates a system that is less fair for those who can't afford to buy.

There are a number of different factors that can lead to housing bubbles, including an overemphasis on growth in the banking sector, a lack of regulation or oversight, and a general concentration of wealth at the top of the economic ladder. To avoid these challenges, there are a number of potential solutions on the horizon, including better regulation of the banking sector, greater transparency in lending practices, and a push towards more sustainable forms of growth. Ultimately, by addressing these challenges head on, we can create a more equal and fair housing market that benefits everyone.
