Decentralizing Art: A Voluntaryism Approach in Creative Collaborations

Art, governance

Voluntaryism is a philosophy that advocates for all forms of human association to be voluntary and consensual. This is in contrast with statism that promotes the idea that certain entities, like the state, have rights or ownership over individuals or their property. The former, emphasizes the principle of self-ownership, where individuals have the right to control their own bodies and property without external coercion. Here's a breakdown of the concepts:


  • Self-Ownership: The belief that individuals own themselves and have the sovereign authority over their own body and life choices.

  • Non-Coercion: Interactions should be free from force, fraud, or manipulation, and should only occur with mutual consent.

  • Free Association: People should be free to engage or disengage in relationships and agreements as they see fit, without interference.


  • Collective Ownership: The idea that certain entities, like the state, have rights or ownership over individuals or their property.

  • Justified Coercion: The use of force or coercion is considered acceptable if it's for the perceived benefit or protection of the collective.

  • Mandatory Participation: Individuals are often required to participate in state systems and abide by laws created by the state, regardless of personal consent.

The principles of voluntaryism find resonance in various aspects of society, influencing discussions on governance, individual rights, and societal order. In the realm of the art industry, these principles can be applied to foster a culture that respects individual rights and promotes voluntary and consensual interactions.

Art Sector

The art industry can be approached by emphasizing the importance of freedom of choice and mutual consent in artistic endeavors. Here's how the concepts of Voluntaryism could be applied:

Self-Ownership: Artists have the right to control their own creative output and should have autonomy over their work. This means they can choose how to express themselves and have the authority to decide how their art is used or distributed.

Voluntary Association: In the art industry, collaborations and partnerships should be formed based on mutual agreement without coercion. This could manifest in voluntary collaborations between artists, or in the consensual agreements between artists and galleries or patrons.

Non-Aggression Principle: The art industry should respect the rights of individuals, meaning that no one should use force to obtain art or compel artists to create against their will. This principle supports the idea that art should not be censored or restricted by external forces.

Freedom of Contract: Artists and other stakeholders in the art industry should be free to make agreements that are beneficial to all parties involved. Contracts should be honored, and any disputes should be resolved through peaceful means, such as arbitration.

Consensual Exchange: The sale and purchase of art should be a consensual exchange between the artist and the buyer. This respects the artist's right to set a price for their work and the buyer's right to decide whether or not to purchase it.

By applying these principles, the art industry can foster an environment that respects individual rights and promotes a culture of voluntary and consensual interactions. This approach aligns with the ethos of Voluntaryism and can contribute to a more ethical and respectful art community.


Voluntaryism - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia.




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