
From the start, our gallery defied norms and embraced change. In an art market often murky and unfair, we champion artists solely on merit. Our diverse and unconventional program aims to be more than a gallery – it's an online platform empowering talented minds globally. Since 2022, we've proudly promoted contemporary artists who provoke and inspire, reaching a vast international audience. We pioneered digital storytelling early on, aiming for widespread engagement. Breaking barriers with technology remains a key part of our story, connecting art with audiences worldwide, from museum curators to YouTubers.

Drawing from personal experiences of feeling unwelcome in the art world, we aimed to foster a more inclusive and accessible environment for both artists and audiences. Our guiding principle is simple: prioritizing you in all our endeavors. The Razvan Chiorean gallery is a deeply meaningful embodiment of our humanistic commitment to inclusivity. We prioritize genuine connections, engaging in conversations with visitors, and fostering communities centered around our artists and their values.

Razvan Chiorean gallery embodies a distinctive model that refuses to conform to conventional norms or traditional standards. Our focus is squarely on the aspirations and requirements of the artists who shape our identity, producing work that mirrors the dynamic shifts in our surroundings. Catering to a globally inquisitive community, we engage with those who align with our vision for an improved art world. At the core of our ethos, we consistently prioritize you, ensuring that your experience takes precedence in every facet of our endeavors.

Razvan Chiorean gallery is a space for its diverse community to connect, grow, have fun, and make an impact. Whether influencing locally or globally, these principles steer our journey:

1. Inquisitiveness: Fostering a spirit of curiosity, we actively support and champion talent.

2. Diversity: Embracing a spectrum of experiences and forward-thinking reflective of the broader world.

3. Networking: Fostering meaningful connections and collaborative efforts.

4. Devotion: Placing people at the core of all our endeavors to deliver unparalleled experiences.

5. Respect: Advocating for respect and kindness within our spaces and the communities we engage with worldwide.

Artist Statement

St Leonard's based artist, Razvan Chiorean established an early interest in art making from his first interaction with typography through graffiti and love for fonts which eventually led him to study creative arts. London College of Contemporary Art’s graphic design program composition enforced new interest in artist’s aesthetic and painting principle. The artist finds his creative way through social commentary and subliminal messages as a base, ranging from the new world economy and domestic issues to distributed technologies, race or migration.

His artistic expression is a testament to the transformative power of multidisciplinary interests. As he delves into the realms of technology, he seeks to unravel the intertwined relationship between art and innovation. Embracing the advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing, he finds inspiration in the symbiosis of art and technology, fusing them to give birth to a new era of creativity. The artist has expanded this into works that speak about how the new poles of economic power in the world are changing and how the largest transfer of wealth in history is taking place right now, thanks to the emerging technologies.

In his journey, he has come to realize the profound impact of an interconnected world. The very idea of individuality in an era of algorithms and preset patterns has fascinated him, pushing him to challenge the conventional norms that often restrain artistic freedom. Through his artwork, he strives to break these barriers, urging the audience to reflect on their own place in a world where conformity is ever-present.

Razvan’s personal journey is a testament to the belief that art and innovation are not disparate entities, but rather two sides of the same coin. As he ventures into uncharted artistic territories, he seeks to inspire others to embrace their passions, regardless of how diverse they may seem. Through his bold and sensible creations, he invites the audience to join him on a journey of self-discovery, learning and artistic liberation.

In this rapidly changing world, where the realms of innovation and digital curation are inseparable, the artist envisions a world where creative expression transcends predefined norms and embraces the beauty of individuality. Through his creations, he strives to make a lasting impact on the cultural landscape, encouraging others to break free from the shackles of conformity and unleash the true potential of imagination and unlearning.

Has broadly exhibited his work in local galleries in St Leonards and London. His preferred medium is acrylic and mixed media while the digital follows suit in its themed creations. He lives and works in Hastings, East Sussex.

We would love to meet you. Better yet, let's make something beautiful together.

Send us an email at info@razvanchioreangallery.uk and say hello.