Superficial Incisions: Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe's Exploration of Identity and Invisibility

Contemporary, social commentary

Moses Adomah, Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe oil-on-canvas masterpiece created in 2021, dimensions 144 x 108 inches. Courtesy by the esteemed Roberts Projects Gallery

Almine Rech Paris is set to host the second solo exhibition of Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe, titled Superficial Incisions, from November 18 to December 22, 2023. This eagerly anticipated show delves into the artist's reinterpretation of the black cowboy through a series of captivating bust portraits, where the iconic rodeo hat takes center stage.

Quaicoe's stylistic approach not only captures the essence of the black cowboy but also addresses profound themes of identity and societal challenges. The rodeo hat, a symbolic accessory worn by most figures in the portraits, becomes a focal point for exploring the concept of 'invisibility' within a broader social context. The deliberate choice of this iconic image invites viewers to contemplate the struggles faced by individuals who may feel unseen or marginalized.

Art historian, curator, and researcher Cécile Godefroy sheds light on Quaicoe's dual focus in Superficial Incisions. Firstly, the artist uses the metaphor of 'invisibility' as a powerful indicator of the larger battles that are yet to be fought. This theme resonates strongly, encouraging a reflection on societal structures and the importance of acknowledging and confronting unseen struggles.

Rainyanni (Cowgirl) 2021, oil on canvas Credit: Rubell Museum

Secondly, Quaicoe delves into the intricate world of scarifications and tattoos adorning each figure in his portraits. This investigation adds a layer of depth to the exhibition, inviting viewers to decipher the meaning behind these superficial incisions. The deliberate choice to explore the significance of these markings opens a dialogue on the diverse ways in which individuals express their identities, both through visible and concealed symbols.

The exhibition promises to be a visual and intellectual journey, challenging preconceived notions and sparking conversations on the intersection of art, identity, and societal perceptions. Quaicoe's ability to weave intricate narratives through his art, coupled with the thoughtful curation by Almine Rech Paris, ensures that Superficial Incisions will be a compelling exploration of the black cowboy archetype and a reflection on the broader issues of visibility and identity in contemporary society.
