Woody De Othello: Faith Like a Rock at Stephen Friedman Gallery in London

London 8 March - 15 May 2024

Stephen Friedman Gallery introduces "Faith Like a Rock," the debut UK solo exhibition by Woody De Othello, known for his diverse practice spanning sculpture, painting, and drawing. Othello's work transforms everyday objects into anthropomorphic vessels, brimming with life and color. This immersive installation at Stephen Friedman Gallery marks a significant evolution in his artistic vision, drawing inspiration from domestic objects, nature, and ancient iconography.

Othello's sculptures, often resembling humanoid figures, are arranged in dynamic compositions that invite viewers to explore themes of spirituality and interconnectedness. Integral to his practice is a reverence for clay, symbolizing a connection to ancestral traditions and the regenerative power of nature. Through "Faith Like a Rock," Othello invites us to reconsider our relationship with the world around us and embrace the transformative potential of art.

Woody De Othello, Black ear, 2024

Woody De Othello, Direct line, 2024

Woody De Othello, Faith like a rock, 2024

Woody De Othello, Iron Hammer, 2024

Woody De Othello, The healers gathered around, 2023

Woody De Othello, Mystic Listening, 2023

Woody De Othello,, Great Soul, 2023

Woody De Othello, Divine support, left 2024

Woody De Othello: Faith Like a Rock

5–6 Cork Street

London W1S 3LQ

On view until

Saturday 18 May 202


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Opinca leather sandals

The intricate geometric embroideries, coupled with the authentic dress pattern and delicate lines, evoke a timeless tradition reminiscent of the heart of Transylvania and its Maramures roots. Enriched with folklore motifs, these traditional leather sandals, known as Opinca, pay homage to our ancestors' heritage and legacy, serving as a boundless source of inspiration. Embrace the connection to our roots and step into the footsteps of our heritage with Opinca leather sandals.


Acrylic/Mixed media canvas


100 x 70CM

39.5 x 27.5INCH

Wood frame




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